巴布亞新幾內亞更新符合歐盟IUU標準之鮪漁船名單巴布亞新幾內亞(PNG)國家漁業局(NFA)局長表示,為有效利用漁船監控系統追蹤在PNG經濟水域作業的鮪漁船,現正更新懸掛PNG國旗之國內與以PNG為基地之外國鮪漁船名單。懸掛外國旗漁船則需遵守銀行利率NFA核發執照相關規定,前往出口鮪魚精肉或鮪罐之PNG加工廠卸魚。NFA的更新名單行動將與歐洲執委會(EC)於2010年1月1日生效的新規定同步實施;EC第1005-08條規定旨在改善所有歐盟流通水產品之生產履歷、打擊IUU漁業與強化港口國管理機制、建信用貸款立歐盟預警系統與IUU及非合作國家漁船名單。更新後的完整名單將被提送至總部在密克羅尼西亞 Pohnpei的中西太平洋漁業管理組織(WCPFC)漁船資料庫,便於歐盟及其他漁業管理組織洽詢。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 22/2009)膠原蛋白~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATING LIST OF FISHING VESSELS TO MEET EU-IUU REGULATIONThe list of tuna fishing vessels operating in PNG’s exclusive economic zone is now being updated by the G2000NationalFisheries Authority (NFA). This is to allow NFA to effectively track every tuna fishing vessel in PNG waters onusing vessel monitoring system (VMS) according to Mr. Sylvester Pokajam, Managing Director of NFA. 酒店兼職Theupdates are being done on both the domestic vessels which bear the PNG flag, and the domestically-based foreignvessels.These vessels bear the flags of their respective originating countries and under the NFA licensing 酒店經紀requirement haveto offload their catch at processing plants in PNG for processing as export loins or canned fish.This move by NFA is in line with latest European Commission (EC) regulation which is scheduled to take effect 術後面膜onJanuary 1 next year. The regulation 1005-08 is aimed at improving traceability of all fishery products traded withthe European Union (EU), to eliminate IUU fishing and also covers provisions in port state control, the 當鋪setting upof EU alert system, IUU vessel list and list of non-cooperating countries. The completed list would be submitted tothe Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in Pohnpei, Federated States of 資產管理公司Micronesia,where it would be added to the vessels’ database. This would be accessible by the EU and other regionalmanagement organisations.

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